Who is entitled to help?
You may receive help if there is not enough money to pay for the funeral and you are responsible for making the funeral arrangements and you and your partner are receiving any of the following benefits:-
- Income Support
- Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
- Housing Benefit
- Council Tax Benefit
- Working Families Tax Credit – must include the severe disability element or disability element
- Child Tax Credit – must be at a higher level than family element
- Pension Credit
Check what amount of money is available from:-
- The estate of the person who has died, such as money from the bank and building society accounts.
- Insurance policies or charities, lump sum payments made by a pension scheme or relatives, (either yours or the person who has died.)
- Any savings you have in the bank or building society, National Savings (including certificates or premium bonds) or in cash at home.
Savings may be in your name or the name of your partner. The widow payment does not count as savings.